The New City Elementary Mission
Our children stand between the past and the future; our schools reflect the wisdom of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow. New City Elementary School values tradition, yet we are always changing and growing. Our goal is to develop self-directed, independent, secure and responsible children who will have a love for learning, a curiosity of the world around them and the ability to find solutions to questions, so that they can grow socially, emotionally and intellectually to their full potential. At New City Elementary School, we commit minds to inquiry, hearts to compassion and lives to the service of humankind.
News & Events
The Clarkstown Central School District is where students become well-rounded, critical thinkers who are able to communicate effectively and become responsible, ethical, contributing members of a global society. As life-long learners, students will be able to use their respective talents and skills to collaborate, innovate and positively change their community and the world.
Students learn all about money: how to make, spend, save and invest it.
Our children connect with other students their age from around the world – providing a unique opportunity to learn with, and from, one another.
Keeping human relationships at the center of teaching, students learn how to use artificial intelligence (AI) ethically, responsibly and safely – taking an assistive approach to this ever-changing technology.